

So that little clear wave thing I've been making didn't turn out so great..  I wanted a smooth glassy looking set of waves, but they turned out very coarse and opaque.. I was a little dissapointed.

It turned out like this because the texture of the clay wasn't smooth enough.. lots of mini bubbles caused the wave to have a sandpaper-like feel. It doesn't stop there though.. tonight I'm going to cast it in Jelly and see if thats more effective..
heres how it turned out

The only good points I took from making the wave really were that I learned a new skill, and the underneath of the cast really actually did remind me of the underneath of the wave- especially when you held it up to a light source.

One of the artists that really inspired me to make a piece like this was Tara Donavan.

Tara Donovan’s sculptures are born of everyday materials such as scotch tape, drinking straws, paper plates, and Styrofoam cups. Donovan takes these materials and “grows” them through accumulation. The results are large-scale abstract floor and wall works suggestive of landscapes, clouds, cellular structures and even mold or fungus. She considers patterning, configuration, and the play of light when determining the structure of her works but the final form evolves from the innate properties and structures of the material itself. In her words, “it is not like I’m trying to simulate nature. It’s more of a mimicking of the way of nature, the way things actually grow.”

This piece especially had an impact on me.

tara donovan 9tara donovan 8This piece called 'transplanted' is made out of ripped and stacked tar paper. The result is this ocean like piece which in my opinion shows movement very effectively...

Here is another version of the same idea, Made 2 years later.


Todays plan :- 
  • Make Jelly mould
  • Make wood cut of the shine on the water
  • Go to Mystery halloween ball, Woop!
Hasta maƱana
- Amy x

Halloween - Thought I'd throw this up on my blog, seeing as I took a slightly more artistic approach to my costume
I was a tin woman incase your wondering..
 Most of this is made of cardboard.

Okay so I made that jelly mould and it just collapsed the second I tried to do anything with it.



After we removed the wooden box from around the plaster and we removed the silicone mould, I had to chisel away any undercuts in the plaster to prevent the silicone from snagging and tearing on them. Now I have to wait for the plaster to dry before I can cast the wave..

I will eventually have a cast to show on this thing....

Amy x

Still casting..

I moved on to the next step of making the mould for my wave today. I mixed some plaster and put a plaster backing on over the silicone mould. Now I'm just waiting for the plaster to dry and then I can finally actually cast the damn thing, I just hope it turns out okay after how long its been taking me.

First we made a wooden box out of plywood to surround the mould.

I plugged any holes with clay - to prevent leaks when the plaster is poured in.
Pat gave me a hand mixing the plaster as I hadn't a clue how to do it.. All we did was sieve the plaster into tepid water until a little mound formed above the water, then mixed it by hand.

Then we poured the plaster into the wooden box, making sure that all of the mould was completely covered.                



Amy x



Big thanks to my brother John who treated me to a weekend with him up in Dublin. We went to see one of my favorite folk artists 'James Vincent Mcmorrow'. It was an amazing gig. 
I got to see some of Dublin contemporary again, which was pretty sweet.- Speaking of which, I will be posting on that,.. when I find my sd card... I havn't a clue where its gone and it has alot of my work on it... oops.. 

We are ghosts

From the woods
Higher love

 'the staves'. The supporting act. Three sisters singing folk style music in beautiful harmony.
Amazing, Glad I discovered them.
(I only managed to get 5 photos of the weekend, due to my 4gig  sd card being missing and only being left with a 16mb one, which could only fit 5 low quality photos or 2 better quality ones.. a bit confusing, but I think the 5 that I got summed up the gig nicely )

So, I'm up in Dublin now working away at my project. Getting ready for my midway review tomorrow. I'll admit I'm a bit nervous but exited too, because I really want to get some good feedback on my work. Anyhooo I shall get back to you on that one.

Hasta luego,
Amy x



I'm trying to show the development of a wave, I'm looking at showing it by layering acetates with showing the wave growing.. I tried that and it was pretty effective, I think the next step for that would be to make etchings of the separate sections and overlay them in the print studio.

Also I'm thinking of taking some more photos and overlaying the photos on photoshop to get the same type of effect.

I thought about showing the development idea through some sort of 3d media. I firstly thought making a clay model might work, I made a little teenie one, which looked.. just, not good. So I made a slightly bigger chunkier one and - as you can see below - made a mould of it, I plan on making a aqua-marine (sea coloured) cast of it, I plan on having it clear enough looking so it represents the water effectively.
The clay model

To make the mould myself and Pat mixed up this pink silicone, appetising isn't it?

So I put a thin-ish layer of the silicone over my clay model

When this dries and I take out the clay, I'll be left with the mould for my waaave...
Cant wait till monday now to make a resin mould of it!!
The suspense is killing me.. lol.
Yes I have a builders phone, and it's awesome.

Amy X

Cardboard surfboard.

This should help for my stop motion idea... hmm...
Fair play to this dude for trying to make a cardboard surfboard though.. didn't think it would work!



STOP motion...

Here are some simple examples of stop motion, I hope to do a bit of this kind of stuff next week... Maybe combining work like this and work like Boyd webb's. Hmm...

Anyway, Have a gander at these.. They're short but pretty effective videos, I particularly like the skateboard one, As I could very easily apply the same idea to a surfboard... food for thought...

Human skateboard.
OkGo - One tiny thing

 Boyd Webb, Harvest II
Boyd Webb - Harvest II.
 Boyd Webb, Lung II
Lung II.

Heres one I made recently using adobe flash professional
And another!
Unfortunately, I wont be posting again untill monday. (I aint got no computer at home)
So untill I get online again, Stay classy Limerick citaaay! ;)

-Amy x

I've been watching this over and over...

'If I only scrape a living, at least it's a living worth scraping'
-Mickey Smith

So inspirational!!!!! I think its gonna be an awesome weekend taking photos at the beach down in Kerry!!
I'll post the photos on monday,

Did some research on Dublin contemporary today, Will be posting about that too next week after I go there on sunday.

Week Cuatro -
This week went pretty slow, I dont want to say mental block, But I'll admit I was a bit stuck alright, I should be talking to a tutor of some sort next week, I hope to get a little helping hand from them.
 I think that my biggest problem is that I need to clear my mind.. I have too many thoughts going on at once... I helped the situation a but by getting a little policeman's notebook and any thoughts of relevance I just jot down there.. hopefully I'll improve more on that next week.

-Amy x


Note to self: 6/10/2011

(Buy lateral thinking, Edward de Bono)

Here are some images of drawings/paintings I made of waves splashing and crashing


Surfin' keeed!!!

week tres:

  • Last weekend I went home to Kerry to teach surfing to Autistic kids and Kids from enable Ireland. I do it every year an amazing experience truly.. I got some really nice shots- using a waterproof camera- of the waves at Banna beach. My favourite images were the ones in which I used a high shutter speed to capture the movement of the wave. They showed the wave developing and eventually crashing on top of me.
Note: next time I want to take some of waves crashing on rocks (Barrow beach maybe??)

  • They were very effective and gave me the idea of making a little flick book showing a wave developing. The one I made was very rough but I hope to develop the idea further. 

  • I ripped down my amazing wall this week as it wasn't half as amazing as it looked, I much prefer it when I only have the relevant images on my wall rather than random-ish generic surfers. 



                        ^^^some things I've been working on over the last few days.^^^^
  • I really want to start experimenting with different types of 3D techniques. But it'll have to wait untill i actually need to use 3D... It just looked like so much fun at Mike foxes lecture today, I really want to cast something... ANYTHING!! haha,  

- Amy x

Note to self: 5/10/2011

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